Normally I would slap somone who would try to use language in an attempt to ascribe all sorts of idiocies to even more ludicrous entities. I shall however indulge my looney bone for a moment (My therapist says I should branch out). There is a book called, "First you have to row a little boat" and if you can get past the schmaltz (token american sounding slangy word for our readers across the pond) it's a good read about life being like sailing. I know , I know, but you'll just have to trust me on this one cause the Author's got some gems.
His thrust is that all the real fights we have are with ourselves. He says that all of lifes major battles are the internal ones. I'm not afraid of the market place, the product not selling, the competition, the banks, (ok I am afraid of herself but thats for another post) what I am afraid of is me. Me not being disciplined enough, and no this isnt a trip, I'm a genuinely lazy bastard.
My brother (remember him from such info-mercials as Fear, Mr President, Fear... and Caring, sensitive, emotionally atuned millenium man ) well he reckons its because I never got a handle on delayed gratification, never knew how to finish something and reward myself later. I was always cute and political enough to get the goodies upfront (Ask herself :-) and maybe he has a point.
And heres the bite, same day I was watching TV, (see I told you I was lazy) and some programme had another latin phrase, this one went.."Vincit Qui Vincit"... and means
"He conquers all, who conquers himself"
They'd cut you to the bone those feckin Romans.